Sex toy...

Où les expériences de Melissa Hines menées sur des singes vervets tendent à prouver que les petits garçons et les petites filles ne choisissent leurs jouets, non pas en fonction de leur environnement social et culturel, mais bien en raison de mécanismes biologiques innés...
[...] Monkeys show sex differences in toy preferences similar to those documented previously in children, providing additional support for the hypothesis that sex differences in toy preferences can arise independent of the social and cognitive mechanisms thought by many to be the primary influences on toy preferences.
[...] When we first reported sex-typed toy preferences in vervet monkeys, the results were extremely surprising and were met with some scepticism. Now, publication of a second study showing that male monkeys show more interest in boys’ toys than do female monkeys (Hassett et al., 2008) strengthens the evidence of inborn influences on sex-typed toy preferences [...].

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